使っているブラウザでPocketの拡張機能が使えなくなった理由の推測 #Pocket #拡張機能 #使えない

先日から、ブラウザの拡張機能で「あとで読む」ページ保存として利用している Pocket が使えなくなってしまいましたが、どうやらブラウザの拡張機能が使えなくなったのは使用しているブラウザが影響しているという結論に達しました。

しかし同じPCにインストールしてあるGoogleChromeやMicrosoft Edgeでは使用することができます。




Since the other day, I have been unable to use Pocket, which I use as a browser extension to save “read later” pages, but I have come to the conclusion that the reason why I am unable to use the browser extension is because of the browser I am using.

Kinza, which I use regularly, is no longer under development, but I use it as my main browser because it is very easy to use.
This browser no longer allows me to use extensions.
However, I can use them with Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge installed on the same PC.

My guess is that the extension can no longer log in unless the browser can log in to your Google account (i.e., sync bookmarks and passwords).
The reason for this is that you can log in to your Pocket page in your browser and save it, and you can also use Pocket Save from Feedly.
Another reason is that when you try to log in with the extension, the google login screen appears and stops the login process.

If you are having trouble with this, please try a different browser.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

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