令和元年6月20日 お品書きを新しいものに差し替えました




I replaced my order with a new one.
The fried ones are scraped now because it is irregular, the space of each item is expanded from 4 columns to 3 columns, the photograph is put in miso flavored tempura, the color is adjusted and it is corrected to the warm system, the description blur is unified ( The numbers in the description and the price with or without commas, the background can be used as a brush from the frame, the size of letters can be tried, the guide text can be made more colorful … eyes hurts (^ ^ ;
Well, in the first place, although it says “I’m messing up” and “explanatory sentences are small” in speaking of theory (^ ^;

We have to make another revision for the consumption tax hike in October.

#お品書き #新調 #リニューアル
#天ぷらてんちゃん #天ぷら #天丼 #かき揚げ #名古屋市緑区 #名古屋市 #緑区 #鳴海
#桶狭間天丼 #鳴海まぜ天丼 #名古屋 #豊明
#口コミ #食べログ #日替わり #サラメシ #外食 #食堂 #おかず #食べ歩き
#japanesecuisine #食レポ #グルメ部 #ランチ #家族連れ #一人飯