[読了]短篇ベストコレクション 2016 現代の小説

短篇ベストコレクション 2016 現代の小説 .
著:日本文藝家協会 .
Short version Best Collection 2016 Modern novel.
Author:Japanese Female Fellowship Association.

短篇ベストコレクション 2016 現代の小説

短篇ベストコレクション 2016 現代の小説

Although I wrote the collections of short stories from the same writers, it was the first time by multiple writers. .
I felt that extreme difference could be made in readability.
#読了 #短篇小説 #日本文藝家協会 .
From the short story announced in 2015, a collection of gems that picked out excellent works. Kanumi Asakura, Osazumi Osawa, Hirohisa Ogihara, short stories by 16 people, which warm your heart, let you forget time, such as stabbing thorns, sometimes thorns.
#Read #ShortStory #JapanFamiliaristsAssociation

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